Glacial Voice:  A calm and cool voice blowing in from the great white north


Shane Ingram
Voice Actor

Sometimes its okay to talk to yourself

I have greeted 1000's of people as the first voice they hear when calling their favorite company, guiding them to the resource they need.
My voice has allowed people to acquire new skills, stay safer, and learn more about the companies they work for.

Let me do the same for your company, a warm greeting for your callers, a gentle reminder for staff, a tour guide for your new application, i can be the voice that brings your next project to life.

Voice acting services

Special Projects: 

narration, e-learning, IVR and phone messages, audio books
Commercials, characters, accents, pod casts, voice overs, animation and dubbing
Unique project?  Reach out and lets see what we can work out.

Other services

Business Communications

IVR, call flow, queue, and message design
Copy creation, content planning, basic mastering
 Character development, plot hole filling, ghost writing

Ready to take your order :)

  1. English (native)
  2. French (fluent)

A native English speaker, with a naturally calm and soothing voice.  Defaulting to a general North American tone with a hint of Canadian.  Able to mimic many accents for short projects.  Fluent French speaker with a strong Quebec influence.  

We're just an email away form helping you find the voices you're looking for

Voice acting services

IVR and Messaging services, Commercials, Narration, Audio Books, Character Voices, Creatures,  E-Learing, Animation, or anywhere else you need a voice to represent your brand, project or creations

Click on the buttons below to be taken to the samples

Creative Services

Copy for commercials, announcements, phone greetings and messages; ghost writing; e-learning scripts
Have something else you need some creative insight on, asking is free.  Answers priced based on complexity.

Other Services

Phone system call flow planning and design, custom training videos,  recorded product demo's, e-learning design and production

Other projects can be reviewed for suitability

Shane Ingram

Voice actor

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